Gubug Makan Mang Engking

Gubug Makan Mang Engking dekat dengan Jalan Raya Lembang-Subang, Jayagiri, Bandung Barat, West Java, Java, ID-JW, 40931

  • Alamat: Jalan Raya Tangkuban Perahu KM.1 No.68, Cibogo, Lembang, Cibogo, Kec. Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40391, Indonesia
  • Telepon: +62 22 2784978

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Gubug Makan Mang Engking ulasan

Beautiful atmosphere. Outside all around and even on the pond. Definitely a place to check out just for the atmosphere alone. The food was good. Not outstanding but good traditional food. Tempe and tofu was great. We took a large group and they served us very well and in good time. Lainnya

After several times eating at Mang Engking Bantul Jogja, one thing I must consider was this place has better view and cool weather. But too bad flies never stop bothering our table, even they put two burning candle around us. For a resto … Lainnya

Food is awesome but lack of choice. Those who are seafood allergens are not recommended to come here. Chicken set need to be consumed by large group of people. … Lainnya

2023-09-21 Alex

Beautiful atmosphere. Outside all around and even on the pond. Definitely a place to check out just for the atmosphere alone. The food was good. Not outstanding but good traditional food. Tempe and tofu was great. We took a large group and they served us very well and in good time.

2023-09-21 Sarah

After several times eating at Mang Engking Bantul Jogja, one thing I must consider was this place has better view and cool weather. But too bad flies never stop bothering our table, even they put two burning candles around us. For a resto.

2023-09-21 John

Food is awesome but lack of choice. Those who are seafood allergens are not recommended to come here. Chicken set need to be consumed by a large group of people.

2023-09-27 Bella

After several times eating at Mang Engking Bantul Jogja, one thing I must consider was this place has better view and cool weather. But too bad flies never stop bothering our table, even they put two burning candle around us. For a resto ...

2023-09-27 Charlie

Food is awesome but lack of choice. Those who are seafood allergens are not recommended to come here. Chicken set need to be consumed by large group of people.

2023-09-29 Reyhan

Suasana yang indah. Di luar dan bahkan di atas kolam. Tempat yang harus dikunjungi hanya untuk suasana saja. Makanannya enak. Tidak luar biasa tetapi makanan tradisional yang baik. Tempe dan tahu sangat bagus. Kami datang dengan kelompok besar dan mereka melayani kami dengan baik dan tepat waktu.

2023-09-29 Nanda

Setelah beberapa kali makan di Mang Engking Bantul Jogja, satu hal yang harus saya pertimbangkan adalah tempat ini memiliki pemandangan yang lebih baik dan cuaca yang sejuk. Tapi sayangnya lalat tidak pernah berhenti mengganggu meja kami, bahkan mereka meletakkan dua lilin yang terbakar di sekitar kami. Untuk resto ...

2023-09-29 Tio

Makanannya luar biasa tapi pilihan sangat terbatas. Mereka yang alergi seafood tidak disarankan untuk datang ke sini. Set ayam harus dikonsumsi oleh sekelompok orang yang besar.

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