BRI Unit Gagas
BRI Unit Gagas dekat dengan RW. 01, Kel. Angsau, Angsau, Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan, 70814
- Alamat: Jl. H. Boejasin No.RT.2 /1, Angsau, Kec. Pelaihari, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan 70882, Indonesia
- Telepon: +62 512 21963
- Situs web:
BRI Unit Gagas, jam buka hari ini
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BRI Unit Gagas ulasan
AC tidak dingin, orang2 yang datang tidak diperhatikan sehingga tidak mematuhi prokes di masa covid. pelayanan sangat lambat di bagian teller, 1 jam an lebih antrian cuman jalan 2 doang. semoga dibenahi
Pelayanan nya sangat ramah Dan memuaskan dan buat mas robby cepat banget pelayanan nya...sip sip
The best place for saving money. Pelayanannya cepat dan bagus.
AC tidak dingin, orang2 yang datang tidak diperhatikan sehingga tidak mematuhi prokes di masa covid. pelayanan sangat lambat di bagian teller, 1 jam an lebih antrian cuman jalan 2 doang. semoga dibenahi
Pelayanan nya sangat ramah Dan memuaskan dan buat mas robby cepat banget pelayanan nya...sip sip
The best place for saving money. Pelayanannya cepat dan bagus.
Pastikan ulasan tersebut mencakup berbagai aspek dari pengalaman Bank Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan variasi dalam penilaian dan konten ulasan
Wait Time and Reservations: AC tidak dingin, Pelayanan sangat lambat di bagian teller Personal experiences: Orang-orang yang datang tidak diperhatikan sehingga tidak mematuhi prokes di masa covid Ambiance and Decor: - Customer Service and Staff: Pelayanannya cepat dan ramah Overall Experience: Baik Quality of Products/Services: Baik Initial Impression and Atmosphere: - Value for Money: - Facilities and Amenities: -
AC not cold, people who come are not noticed so they do not comply with health protocols in the covid era. service is very slow at the teller section, for over an hour the queue only moves 2 spaces. hopefully it will be improved
The service is very friendly and satisfactory and make Mr. Robby very quick service ... sip sip
The best place for saving money. Fast and good service.
Make sure the review includes various aspects of the Bank's experience. Feel free to add variety in reviews and ratings.
Wait Time and Reservations: AC not cold, service is very slow at the teller section Personal experiences: People who come are not noticed so they do not comply with health protocols in the covid era Ambiance and Decor: - Customer Service and Staff: Fast and friendly service Overall Experience: Good Quality of Products/Services: Good Initial Impression and Atmosphere: - Value for Money: - Facilities and Amenities: -