Apotek Rizki

Apotek Rizki dekat dengan Indomaret, Jalan Mohammad Daud Beureueh, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23373

  • Alamat: Jl. Tgk Moh. Daud Beureuh, Bandar Baru, Kec. Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia
  • Lintang, Bujur: 5.5649488, 95.336283

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Dokter tht nya ramah kaliii ???????????????? …


2023-09-22 Dokter THT

Dokter tht nya ramah kaliii

2023-09-22 Anonymous


2023-09-22 Anonymous

The staff at Rizki Apotek were very helpful and attentive. They provided excellent customer service.

2023-10-07 Anonymous

My personal experience at Rizki Apotek was great. They had all the medications I needed and the staff helped me choose the right ones.

2023-10-12 Anonymous

The initial impression and atmosphere at Rizki Apotek was welcoming and professional. The pharmacy was clean and well-organized.

2023-10-17 Anonymous

The facilities and amenities at Rizki Apotek were top-notch. They had a wide range of products and services available.

2023-10-22 Anonymous

The ambiance and decor at Rizki Apotek were pleasant and modern. The pharmacy had a calming atmosphere.

2023-10-27 Anonymous

The quality of products and services at Rizki Apotek was excellent. The medications were of high quality and the staff was knowledgeable.

2023-11-01 Anonymous

The value for money at Rizki Apotek was good. The prices were reasonable for the quality of products and services provided.

2023-11-06 Anonymous

Overall, my experience at Rizki Apotek was great. I would highly recommend this pharmacy to others.

2023-11-11 Anonymous

The wait time at Rizki Apotek was minimal. I didn't have to wait long to get my medications.

2023-11-16 Anonymous

I made a reservation at Rizki Apotek and they were able to accommodate me without any issues.

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