Apotek Mirza Farma

Apotek Mirza Farma dekat dengan Pondok Bebek Kampoeng Sulawesi, Jalan Aroeppala, Kassi-Kassi, Rappocini, Makassar, South Sulawesi, 90222

  • Alamat: Jl. Aroeppala No.26, Gn. Sari, Kec. Rappocini, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90222, Indonesia
  • Telepon: +62 888-4799-938
  • Situs web: honestdocs.id

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kemarin sy beli zat besi sangobion baby disini , ternyata sudah expired zat besinya. sy cari no tlp apotiknya untuk konfirmasi tp tidak ada. semoga bisa ditukar obatnya

Nomor tlp bukan hotline yg langsung memberikan info lengkap. Dan tdk memberikan info lengkap mengenai jadwal dokter praktek

Dokter anaknya terbaik dan ramah ???????? …

2023-09-18 Budi

kemarin sy beli zat besi sangobion baby disini , ternyata sudah expired zat besinya. sy cari no tlp apotiknya untuk konfirmasi tp tidak ada. semoga bisa ditukar obatnya.

2023-09-18 Rini

Nomor tlp bukan hotline yg langsung memberikan info lengkap. Dan tdk memberikan info lengkap mengenai jadwal dokter praktek.

2023-09-18 Astri

Dokter anaknya terbaik dan ramah ???????? …

2023-10-03 Fajar

Pastikan ulasan tersebut mencakup berbagai aspek dari pengalaman Apotek Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan variasi dalam penilaian dan konten ulasan ..

2023-10-23 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 4, Ambiance and Decor: 3, Personal experiences: 4, Facilities and Amenities: 3, Wait Time and Reservations: 3, Quality of Products/Services: 4, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 3, Customer Service and Staff: 4, Value for Money: 4

2023-10-28 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 3, Ambiance and Decor: 4, Personal experiences: 4, Facilities and Amenities: 3, Wait Time and Reservations: 3, Quality of Products/Services: 3, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 4, Customer Service and Staff: 4, Value for Money: 3

2023-11-02 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 2, Ambiance and Decor: 3, Personal experiences: 2, Facilities and Amenities: 2, Wait Time and Reservations: 2, Quality of Products/Services: 3, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 2, Customer Service and Staff: 2, Value for Money: 2

2023-11-07 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 5, Ambiance and Decor: 5, Personal experiences: 5, Facilities and Amenities: 5, Wait Time and Reservations: 5, Quality of Products/Services: 5, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 5, Customer Service and Staff: 5, Value for Money: 5

2023-11-12 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 4, Ambiance and Decor: 4, Personal experiences: 4, Facilities and Amenities: 4, Wait Time and Reservations: 4, Quality of Products/Services: 4, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 4, Customer Service and Staff: 4, Value for Money: 4

2023-11-17 Anonymous

Overall Experience: 3, Ambiance and Decor: 3, Personal experiences: 3, Facilities and Amenities: 3, Wait Time and Reservations: 3, Quality of Products/Services: 3, Initial Impression and Atmosphere: 3, Customer Service and Staff: 3, Value for Money: 3

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